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Lamps in felt to be raised or lowered. The light is dimmed when the felt lamp crumple up on its foundation.

Hæve-sænke lamper i filt. Lyset dæmpes, når filtlampen krøller sammen på underlaget.

03 Derfor! Danish Crafts, Paustian, Copenhagen.
01 Grundstof 14. Formlandmessen Herning.
01 Bjerre, Stær, Hammerstrøm. Scandinavian Trade Mart, Copenhagen.
01 Bjerre, Stær, Hammerstrøm. Scandinavian Furniture Fair, Copenhagen.

Bronze Chair Out of Focus Ditte Hammerstrøm Ditte Hammerstrøm Soft Structure Bunch of Boxes Leggy Cabinets Socialising Sofas Bistro Light Small Tall Stools Sofa Set Wrinkle Soft Shaker My Own Public Room Garden Corner Chair for the Person... Bench in Bits Third Draft Sunday Blanket Cocoons Det Åbne Smykkeskrin Side by Side Exhibitions Contact Wall Stools Odds and Ends